최신 A00-255 무료덤프 - SASInstitute SAS Predictive Modeling Using SAS Enterprise Miner 14

What is the number of missing values for the TLSum variable in the sample generated by SAS Enterprise Miner?

정답: D
For the variable TLCnt24, apply a Max Normal transformation. What transformation was selected by SAS Enterprise Miner?

정답: B
1. Create a project named Insurance, with a diagram named Explore.
2. Create the data source, DEVELOP, in SAS Enterprise Miner. DEVELOP is in the directory c:\workshop\Practice.
3. Set the role of all variables to Input, with the exception of the Target variable, Ins (1= has insurance, 0= does not have insurance).
4. Set the measurement level for the Target variable, Ins, to Binary.
5. Ensure that Branch and Res are the only variables with the measurement level of Nominal.
6. All other variables should be set to Interval or Binary.
7. Make sure that the default sampling method is random and that the seed is 12345.
The variable Branch has how many levels?

정답: A
Perform these tasks in SAS Enterprise Miner:
- Use the Regression node to build another regression model with TARGET as the dependent variable and all other input variables as independent variables (main effects only).
- Configure the regression model to use Stepwise for Selection Model and Validation Error for Selection Criteri a. Do not change any other property for the regression model.
For the validation data, in what range does cumulative percent captured response at the 60th percentile lie?

정답: B
Open the diagram labeled Practice A within the project labeled Practice A. Perform the following in SAS Enterprise Miner:

1. Set the Clustering method to Average.
2. Run the Cluster node.
What is the Importance statistic for MTGBal (Mortgage Balance)?

정답: D
Refer to the following profit matrix and confusion matrix for a campaign soliciting product purchases. The predicted variable is a binary outcome.

Based on the above tables, what is the average profit? You may use a calculator for this question. On the certification exam, an on-screen calculator is provided for you.
Select one:

정답: C
Open the diagram labeled Practice A within the project labeled Practice A. Perform the following in SAS Enterprise Miner:

1. Set the Clustering method to Average.
2. Run the Cluster node.
What is the Cubic Clustering Criterion statistic for this clustering?

정답: B
Suppose your input variables have missing values. Before running a decision tree with these input variables, you should do which of the following?

정답: A
Perform these tasks in SAS Enterprise Miner:
*Continue to use the same diagram. Define and create the data set CREDIT_SCORE for scoring. The variables (their roles and measurement levels) in the CREDIT_SCORE data should be set as identical to those in the CREDIT dat a. The only exception is that the scoring data does not have a TARGET variable.
* Find the best model out of Decision Tree, Decision Tree (3-way), Regression, and Neural Network as defined by each of the four model's overall performance in the validation data measured by average squared error. Now, use this best model to score the CREDIT_SCORE data.

The percentage of TARGET=1 as predicted by the best model on the scoring data is in which of the following ranges?

정답: B

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