Synovial fluid is actually quite viscous and does not have the same consistency as plasma. The reason for its thicker consistency is to provide cushion and reduce friction between the articular cartilage of synovial joints during movement.
Urinalysis & Other Body Fluids
All of the statements below about synovial fluid are true EXCEPT:

정답: D
The negative antigen frequencies are used in the formula below to determine the percent of type-specific units that would be compatible for the patient. Negative antigen frequencies are determined by subtracting the percent antigen frequency from 100%. The negative antigen frequency for K in this case is .91 (1.00 - .09) and the negative antigen frequency for Fya is .34 (1.00 - .66).
% compatible units available = 100 x (Neg frequency #1 x Neg frequency #2...) For this case, the calculation is:
% compatible units available = 100 x (0.91 x 0.34) = 30.94 or 31%
If the antigen frequencies for K = 0.09 and Fya = 0.66, what percent of type-specific units would be compatible for a patient with anti-K and anti-Fya?

정답: C
PCT usually rises within 3-6 hours of infection. CRP also increases rapidly following infection, but is not as specific for infection as PCT. A rise in CRP could also occur with SIRS. Lactic acid is usually used to detect and monitor impaired circulation and tissue oxygenation in critically ill patients.
Of the three laboratory tests that are listed, which has proven to be most effective for early differentiation of systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS) from sepsis due to its increase following infection and higher specificity?

정답: B
This integrity of this specimen is compromised. The unit cannot be used.
What action should be taken if a large clot is noticed in a red blood cell unit while the product is being prepared for release to the patient?

정답: D
What has happened in a titer, if tubes #5-7 show a stronger reaction than tubes #1-4?

정답: A
Beta-thalassemia major, also known as Cooley's anemia, has inherited two genes for beta thalassemia without a normal beta-chain gene. This disease is assoicated with a marked deficiency in beta chain production and in the production of normal Hb A. These patients exhibit increased amounts of iron due to the mutliple transfusions that keep them alive. There is also a striking increase in hemoglobin F and an elevation in hemoglobin A2.
A 5-year-old African American child with hepato-splenomegaly and skeletal abnormalities has the following lab results:
WBC = 4,800/cu.mm
20 NRBC/100 WBC
RBC = 2.70 X 106
HGB = 6.2 g/dL
Many target cells
Marked hypochromasia, anisocytosis & poikilocytosis
Serum Iron = 200 µg/dL (elevated)
Sickle Solubility = negative
Hemoglobin F = elevated
What is the PROBABLE cause of these findings?

정답: C
In sickle cell anemia, rapid hemoglobin turnover may be present. HbA1C and other glycated hemoglobin assays are not valid in rapid hemoglobin turnover and in abnormal hemoglobin conditions. Fructosamine measurements can be used because of shorter half life of albumin.
HbA1C measurements are NOT ordinarily used to monitor long-term diabetic control in a diabetic with sickle cell anemia.

정답: A
Vitamin K is needed to produce certain coagulation factors, in particular factors II, VII, IX, and X.
Deficiencies in these factors can lead to increased clotting times and can cause hemorrhagic disease.
A deficiency in which of these vitamins leads to increased clotting time and may result in hemorrhagic disease?

정답: B
The results of this PT and aPTT are in normal range. These results can be reported and are not indicative of the need to: order a mixing study or request a redraw.
You have just performed stat PT and aPTT tests on your coagulation instrument. Your results are as follows:
PT = 12 seconds (normal range 10-13 seconds)
aPTT = 24 seconds (normal range 21-34 seconds)
What would be your next step?

정답: A
Transmission-based precautions isolation categories include all of the following except:

정답: C
The microscopic features shown here represent Scopulariopsis species. In most instances, particularly if a patient does not have underlying immunologic or hematologic disease, Scopulariopsis species should be considered a contaminant when recovered from a sputum specimen. However, if there is clinical or X-ray evidence of mycotic pulmonary infection, additional daily induced sputum specimens should be obtained.
If Scopulariopsis species or any other hyaline mold is recovered from two or more successive specimens, its potential as a pathogenic agent should be considered. Scopulariopsis species have been reported as the agents of pulmonary fungus ball infections in patients with preexistent cavities and as a cause of pneumonia in patients with leukemia.
Invasive pulmonary disease by this agent has not been reported.
The fungus illustrated in this photomicrograph was recovered from an induced sputum specimen from a 74 year old man with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. This isolate is most likely:

정답: D
Blood Bank
What other component(s) can be shipped together with Fresh Frozen Plasma (FFP)?

정답: B
VLDL transports endogenous lipids, whereas chylomicrons transport exogenous (dietary) lipids. Cholesterol is transported by HDL and LDL.
The function of the very low density lipoproteins (VLDL) is to transport:

정답: B

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