최신 CIMAPRO19-CS3-1 무료덤프 - CIMA Strategic Case Study


I have attached a news article
Arrfield does not set the price for aviation fuel sold at our airports, but we do receive a percentage of the revenues earned by the fuel companies.
I need your help to prepare for a Board meeting to discuss this matter Please write a paper covering the following
* Firstly, explain the impact that the criticisms voiced by the environmental campaigners will have on the frequent PESTEL analysis that Arrfield's Board conducts.
[sub-task (a) = 34%
* Secondly, evaluate the commercial logic of Arrfield's strategy of basing charges for non-aeronautical services (such as fuel sales and retail activities) on percentages of the revenues generated by the companies that operate at its airports
[sub-task (b) = 33%)
* Thirdly, recommend with reasons whether Arrfield should attempt to justify strategic decisions to its shareholders when the commercial logic of those decisions is not immediately obvious
[sub-task (c) = 33%}
Romuald Marek
Chief Finance Officer
See the answer below in explanation
Requirement 1
The criticism from the environmental campaigns for sale of cheap fuel at the Arrfield airports is not a good sign but the prices of the fuel are not set by the Arrfield. In most of the countries the fuel prince are regulated through Oil and Gas regulatory authorities. As the Arrfield airports are providing the facilities to airlines to refill fuel at the airport which is necessary for the flying of the plane on commission bases, it contribute a significant portion of profit of the Arrfield.
The environmental campaigners criticism is on the usage use of fuel which cause carbon emissions. The Govt, of the Norland may set the price of the fuel in Norland and regulate the prices of the fuel in Norland. After the criticism Govt, of Norland may think to not allowing the fuel companies to pass the cheap fuel import to the airlines. This may be hostile of the Arrfiled business. Many airline may choose the Norland for the flight operation due to gaining advantage of cheaper fuel refill.
As the airlines are buying more fuel which makes the plane heavier and burn more fuel which harm to the environment is a great concern. This could lead to legal and environmental litigation and penalties. The reputation risk is also here if corrective actions are not taken by Arrfield.
Requirement 2
As the Airfield also rely heavily on the non-aeronautical revenues to make profits and the it increase from a substantial percentage in 2020 as to the preceding year. The fuel companies operate in Arrfied airports which is intrinsic in the airport business. It will be difficult for the Arrfield to provide the fuel by itself. It is worthwhile that the Arrfieid earning commission without involving the fuel operations.
As the Norland is being liked by the airlines for refueling its plane is good for the Arrfield to make profit. Arrfield earn commission as much as the airline buy fuel from fuel companies. But by decreasing the price of the fuel it is also worth mentioning that the Arrfield commission is also remains at lower side.
There are three elements in the scenario: 1- Higher sale higher commission. 2- Sale at lower price lower commission. 3-Reputational and environmental risk involved.
Requirement 3
The shareholders are major stakeholders of the company. They are key players have high amount of power and high level of interest. The Arrfield must communicate true affairs of the business to its shareholders. If the commercial logic of decision are not obvious then the poor understanding of the affairs may lead to chaos. The managers are representative of the shareholders and should do everything in the best interest of the shareholders. If they will make the decisions which are not logically understandable then, the shareholders may lose their trust in the management.
The shareholders must not be justified to the shareholder if they are not commercially valuable. Whether or not the decisions are profitable these may be communicated to shareholders which represent true picture of the decisions breach of CIMA ethical principles.
Reference Material:

You have received the following email from Marcus Svenson, Finance Director:
From: Marcus Svenson, Finance Director
To: Senior Finance Manager
FW: Pricing
I am forwarding an email from Sarah Johns.
Sarah has not been with us for very long and this is her first experience of dealing with a currency price movement.
I am really busy, so I need you to respond to her requests. Please email her as soon as possible.
From: Sarah Johns, Marketing Director
To: Marcus Svenson, Finance Director
Subject: USD movement
Hi Marcus,
A lot of our biggest customers are threatening to cancel orders unless we reduce our selling prices. Timber and associated products are commodity items that are priced in USD, so I thought that our prices would automatically remain competitive regardless of what happened to the USD. I am particularly confused over domestic sales, because many of the customers who have threatened to cancel are based in this country and we invoice them in M$.
Please help me to understand why the M$/USD exchange rate can affect our competitive position in this way.
I also wish to know why you have chosen to do nothing to hedge against this risk. If you look at the attached article you will see that the USD is an issue in the business news.
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Three weeks have passed since you were informed that the relocation would definitely proceed.
You have received the following email from William Seaton, Director of Finance:
From: William Seaton, Director of Finance
To: Finance Manager
Subject: Detailed issues associated with the relocation
Congratulations, you are now officially in charge of the transition team! I am confident that you will do an excellent job and that it will be an opportunity to enhance your career.
I realise that the transition team is expected to reduce the pressure on the Board, but I have been asked to keep an eye on things and to ensure that your team has everything that it needs. I won't interfere, but I will stay in touch.
There are a few matters that I think you should address as a matter of urgency.
* Firstly, we need to have plans in place to ensure that our information systems are ready. What changes will we have to make in order to best align the information system with the company's needs? I am not asking about hardware issues or the physical relocation, but the changes to the information system itself.
* Secondly, how might we make use of the data in our own records and external sources to ensure that the new Head Office is managed as efficiently as possible? Remember that the present Head Office is a large and complex operation in its own right and it costs a significant amount to run.
* Thirdly, our relocation will create a number of challenges for our corporate treasury team. I need you to identify the key challenges and suggest how they might be dealt with.
* Finally, I would like you to identify the criteria against which the success or failure of your team will be judged once the transition is complete. I need your recommendations to be relevant and measurable.
Complete your answer and submit
You have received the following email from Marcus Svenson, Finance Director:
From: Marcus Svenson, Finance Director
To: Senior Finance Manager
Subject: Biomass proposal
The Board has just heard a presentation by an engineering consultancy concerning a proposal to develop a biomass power station adjacent to our North Forest.
The Board has asked us to put together some thoughts about the merits of this proposal. We would proceed on the basis that we would build the power station and sell the resulting electricity to the national power generator which has a number of coal-fired power stations, each of which is nearing the end of its useful life and the coal has to be shipped in, so we should find it relatively easy to guarantee sales. The power generator has indicated that it would be possible to negotiate a three year contract in the first instance, with the expectation that this would be extended by subsequent three year contracts, subject to price and performance.
We would be responsible for building and operating the power plant and we would also have to pay for 50% of the cost of power lines for connecting to the national electricity grid, with the other 50% being funded by the national power generator.
Please draft a briefing paper that I can present to the Board on the following:
How can we predict whether the share price is likely to increase or decrease if we commit ourselves to this project? You should identify the challenges associated with answering that question and indicate how we might address them.
What are the long-term risks associated with future revenues from the sale of electricity? How might we manage these?
Reference Material:
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Peter Sorchi, Wodd's Chief Executive has stopped you in the corridor:
"We signed a memorandum of understanding with the Bravadorian Government last night. Effectively, we are now the new owners of a forest in a new continent for us. It has already made it onto the business pages in the press.
Once the formalities are completed, we will be entering into new commercial territory. Our surveyors have looked at the first area that we intend to develop and there is a lot more hardwood than we first expected. That is good news in a way because it can be sold at a premium, but we don't have any experience of selling hardwood and we are hardly going to pulp it for MDF or paper. I need you to identify the changes that we will have to make and to recommend how best to manage them.
The funding arrangements are still being worked out. Bravador's banks are not in a position to fund a transaction of this size and none of the other banks that we have approached are prepared to lend to us. We will need to raise additional equity. I realise that we would normally make a rights issue, but I think that it would be simpler and cheaper to suspend the dividend for a year, which would cover most of the purchase price in itself. Please advise me on the advantages and disadvantages of doing that.
It would be ideal if you could let me have a briefing paper on both of these matters urgently." Reference Material:
Complete your answer and submit

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