최신 CPR 무료덤프 - ISQI Cardiopulmonary resuscitation

You have begun the steps of CPR for an unresponsive adult victim while a friend phones
911. After opening the airway, checking for normal breathing, and giving 2 effective breaths (the chest rises), you do not find any signs of circulation. What should you do next?

정답: A
How should you open someone's airway?

정답: B
Where do you do the back blows?
between shoulder blades
What do compressions do?
Circulates the blood (doesn't restart the heart)
CPR alone may not save the life of a victim of sudden cardiac arrest. What else is needed?

정답: A
When ventilating an unconscious victim:

정답: D
What are the first three steps in any emergency situation?
check. call. care.
When you recheck for signs of circulation in the victim of nontraumatic cardiac arrest, you find that there are now signs of circulation. You check breathing and find that the man is breathing normally. What should you do next?

정답: D
You respond to someone who has just collapsed (You witness the collapse). After you make sure that the scene is safe, what is the next thing you should do?

정답: A
What do the letters "C.P.R." stand for?

정답: D
What is the recommended rate of compression?

정답: B
설명: (DumpTOP 회원만 볼 수 있음)
After analyzing the victim's heart rhythm, the AED provides a No Shock Needed' prompt. You should:

정답: B
Chest compressions are the most important part of CPR.

정답: A
설명: (DumpTOP 회원만 볼 수 있음)
Where do you do the abdominal thrusts?
above the naval and below the breast bone

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