최신 ISOIEC20000LI 무료덤프 - ISO Beingcert ISO/IEC 20000 Lead Implementer

Based on scenario 5. Socket Inc. decided to assign users lo a separate network when accessing cloud storage tiles. What does this ensure?

정답: C
Scenario 10: NetworkFuse develops, manufactures, and sells network hardware. The company has had an operational information security management system (ISMS) based on ISO/IEC 27001 requirements and a quality management system (QMS) based on ISO 9001 for approximately two years. Recently, it has applied for a j^ombined certification audit in order to obtain certification against ISO/IEC 27001 and ISO 9001.
After selecting the certification body, NetworkFuse prepared the employees for the audit The company decided to not conduct a self-evaluation before the audit since, according to the top management, it was not necessary. In addition, it ensured the availability of documented information, including internal audit reports and management reviews, technologies in place, and the general operations of the ISMS and the QMS.
However, the company requested from the certification body that the documentation could not be carried off- site However, the audit was not performed within the scheduled days because NetworkFuse rejected the audit team leader assigned and requested their replacement The company asserted that the same audit team leader issued a recommendation for certification to its main competitor, which, for the company's top management, was a potential conflict of interest. The request was not accepted by the certification body NetworkFuse should_________________to ensure that employees are prepared for the audit. Refer to scenario 10.

정답: C
설명: (DumpTOP 회원만 볼 수 있음)
Scenario 3: Socket Inc is a telecommunications company offering mainly wireless products and services. It uses MongoDB. a document model database that offers high availability, scalability, and flexibility.
Last month, Socket Inc. reported an information security incident. A group of hackers compromised its MongoDB database, because the database administrators did not change its default settings, leaving it without a password and publicly accessible.
Fortunately. Socket Inc. performed regular information backups in their MongoDB database, so no information was lost during the incident. In addition, a syslog server allowed Socket Inc. to centralize all logs in one server. The company found out that no persistent backdoor was placed and that the attack was not initiated from an employee inside the company by reviewing the event logs that record user faults and exceptions.
To prevent similar incidents in the future, Socket Inc. decided to use an access control system that grants access to authorized personnel only. The company also implemented a control in order to define and implement rules for the effective use of cryptography, including cryptographic key management, to protect the database from unauthorized access The implementation was based on all relevant agreements, legislation, and regulations, and the information classification scheme. To improve security and reduce the administrative efforts, network segregation using VPNs was proposed.
Lastly, Socket Inc. implemented a new system to maintain, collect, and analyze information related to information security threats, and integrate information security into project management.
Based on the scenario above, answer the following question:
Which security control does NOT prevent information security incidents from recurring?

정답: B
설명: (DumpTOP 회원만 볼 수 있음)
Scenario 3: Socket Inc is a telecommunications company offering mainly wireless products and services. It uses MongoDB. a document model database that offers high availability, scalability, and flexibility.
Last month, Socket Inc. reported an information security incident. A group of hackers compromised its MongoDB database, because the database administrators did not change its default settings, leaving it without a password and publicly accessible.
Fortunately. Socket Inc. performed regular information backups in their MongoDB database, so no information was lost during the incident. In addition, a syslog server allowed Socket Inc. to centralize all logs in one server. The company found out that no persistent backdoor was placed and that the attack was not initiated from an employee inside the company by reviewing the event logs that record user faults and exceptions.
To prevent similar incidents in the future, Socket Inc. decided to use an access control system that grants access to authorized personnel only. The company also implemented a control in order to define and implement rules for the effective use of cryptography, including cryptographic key management, to protect the database from unauthorized access The implementation was based on all relevantagreements, legislation, and regulations, and the information classification scheme. To improve security and reduce the administrative efforts, network segregation using VPNs was proposed.
Lastly, Socket Inc. implemented a new system to maintain, collect, and analyze information related to information security threats, and integrate information security into project management.
Based on scenario 3. which information security control of Annex A of ISO/IEC 27001 did Socket Inc.
implement by establishing a new system to maintain, collect, and analyze information related to information security threats?

정답: C
설명: (DumpTOP 회원만 볼 수 있음)
Scenario 3: Socket Inc is a telecommunications company offering mainly wireless products and services. It uses MongoDB. a document model database that offers high availability, scalability, and flexibility.
Last month, Socket Inc. reported an information security incident. A group of hackers compromised its MongoDB database, because the database administrators did not change its default settings, leaving it without a password and publicly accessible.
Fortunately. Socket Inc. performed regular information backups in their MongoDB database, so no information was lost during the incident. In addition, a syslog server allowed Socket Inc. to centralize all logs in one server. The company found out that no persistent backdoor was placed and that the attack was not initiated from an employee inside the company by reviewing the event logs that record user faults and exceptions.
To prevent similar incidents in the future, Socket Inc. decided to use an access control system that grants access to authorized personnel only. The company also implemented a control in order to define and implement rules for the effective use of cryptography, including cryptographic key management, to protect the database from unauthorized access The implementation was based on all relevant agreements, legislation, and regulations, and the information classification scheme. To improve security and reduce the administrative efforts, network segregation using VPNs was proposed.
Lastly, Socket Inc. implemented a new system to maintain, collect, and analyze information related to information security threats, and integrate information security into project management.
Socket Inc. has implemented a control for the effective use of cryptography and cryptographic key management. Is this compliant with ISO/IEC 27001' Refer to scenario 3.

정답: B
설명: (DumpTOP 회원만 볼 수 있음)
Which of the following is NOT part of the steps required by ISO/IEC 27001 that an organization must take when a nonconformity is detected?

정답: A
설명: (DumpTOP 회원만 볼 수 있음)
An organization uses Platform as a Services (PaaS) to host its cloud-based services As such, the cloud provider manages most off the services to the organization. However, the organization still manages____________________

정답: C
Scenario 7: InfoSec is a multinational corporation headquartered in Boston, MA, which provides professional electronics, gaming, and entertainment services. After facing numerous information security incidents, InfoSec has decided to establish teams and implement measures to prevent potential incidents in the future Emma, Bob. and Anna were hired as the new members of InfoSec's information security team, which consists of a security architecture team, an incident response team (IRT) and a forensics team Emma's job is to create information security plans, policies, protocols, and training to prepare InfoSec to respond to incidents effectively Emma and Bob would be full-time employees of InfoSec, whereas Anna was contracted as an external consultant.
Bob, a network expert, will deploy a screened subnet network architecture This architecture will isolate the demilitarized zone (OMZ) to which hosted public services are attached and InfoSec's publicly accessible resources from their private network Thus, InfoSec will be able to block potential attackers from causing unwanted events inside the company's network. Bob is also responsible for ensuring that a thorough evaluation of the nature of an unexpected event is conducted, including the details on how the event happened and what or whom it might affect.
Anna will create records of the data, reviews, analysis, and reports in order to keep evidence for the purpose of disciplinary and legal action, and use them to prevent future incidents. To do the work accordingly, she should be aware of the company's information security incident management policy beforehand Among others, this policy specifies the type of records to be created, the place where they should be kept, and the format and content that specific record types should have.
Based on scenario 7. InfoSec contracted Anna as an external consultant. Based on her tasks, is this action compliant with ISO/IEC 27001°

정답: A
설명: (DumpTOP 회원만 볼 수 있음)
Scenario 8: SunDee is an American biopharmaceutical company, headquartered in California, the US. It specializes in developing novel human therapeutics, with a focus on cardiovascular diseases, oncology, bone health, and inflammation. The company has had an information security management system (ISMS) based on SO/IEC 27001 in place for the past two years. However, it has not monitored or measured the performance and effectiveness of its ISMS and conducted management reviews regularly Just before the recertification audit, the company decided to conduct an internal audit. It also asked most of their staff to compile the written individual reports of the past two years for their departments. This left the Production Department with less than the optimum workforce, which decreased the company's stock.
Tessa was SunDee's internal auditor. With multiple reports written by 50 different employees, the internal audit process took much longer than planned, was very inconsistent, and had no qualitative measures whatsoever Tessa concluded that SunDee must evaluate the performance of the ISMS adequately. She defined SunDee's negligence of ISMS performance evaluation as a major nonconformity, so she wrote a nonconformity report including the description of the nonconformity, the audit findings, and recommendations. Additionally, Tessa created a new plan which would enable SunDee to resolve these issues and presented it to the top management How does SunDee's negligence affect the ISMS certificate? Refer to scenario 8.

정답: B
설명: (DumpTOP 회원만 볼 수 있음)
Scenario 3: Socket Inc is a telecommunications company offering mainly wireless products and services. It uses MongoDB. a document model database that offers high availability, scalability, and flexibility.
Last month, Socket Inc. reported an information security incident. A group of hackers compromised its MongoDB database, because the database administrators did not change its default settings, leaving it without a password and publicly accessible.
Fortunately. Socket Inc. performed regular information backups in their MongoDB database, so no information was lost during the incident. In addition, a syslog server allowed Socket Inc. to centralize all logs in one server. The company found out that no persistent backdoor was placed and that the attack was not initiated from an employee inside the company by reviewing the event logs that record user faults and exceptions.
To prevent similar incidents in the future, Socket Inc. decided to use an access control system that grants access to authorized personnel only. The company also implemented a control in order to define and implement rules for the effective use of cryptography, including cryptographic key management, to protect the database from unauthorized access The implementation was based on all relevant agreements, legislation, and regulations, and the information classification scheme. To improve security and reduce the administrative efforts, network segregation using VPNs was proposed.
Lastly, Socket Inc. implemented a new system to maintain, collect, and analyze information related to information security threats, and integrate information security into project management.
Based on scenario 3, what would help Socket Inc. address similar information security incidents in the future?

정답: B
설명: (DumpTOP 회원만 볼 수 있음)

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