최신 MOFF.EN 무료덤프 - EXIN Microsoft ® Operations Framework Foundation

Which of the following Team Role Clusters takes part in the Changing Quadrant of the Process Model?

정답: B
Which of the following Service Management Functions (SMFs) belongs to the Operating Quadrant?

정답: A
How can a Risks by Services List help to improve the quality of information, prioritization and decision making when assessing the impact of risks on the service?

정답: D
In which step of the Risk Management Discipline are risks monitored for changes in the risk's condition, consequence, probability, and impact?

정답: B
For which type of administration does System Administration not have responsibility?

정답: A
Which of the following is one of the root causes of risk in IT operations?

정답: B
Which steps in the MOF Risk Management Process follow each other immediately?

정답: B

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