최신 NetSuite-Financial-User 무료덤프 - NetSuite Financial User Certification

Which two settings are needed for billable items to appear on the customer invoice? (Choose 2)

정답: B,D
How are fiscal calendars used by subsidiaries?

정답: A
Which transaction requires a credit memo before a refund?

정답: C
Characteristics of purchase order in NetSuite?

정답: A
What is the simplest way to post interest accrued while using the Reconcile Bank Statement page?

정답: C
Which two statement are true about setting up the intercompany expense allocation (choose 2)

정답: B,D
What are two differences between fixed and dynamic allocation schedules? (Choose two.)

정답: B,D
Bank accounts interact with subsidiaries?

정답: A
The simplest way to post bank service fees ... reconcile bank statement pages?

정답: A

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