최신 OMG-OCSMP-MBI300 무료덤프 - OMG-Certified Systems Modeling Professional - Model Builder - Intermediate

Choose the correct answer
The following are behavioral requirements for an automobile electric window (1) When the window button is moved into the up position and the window is not fully up the window shall begin to move up (?) When the window button is moved into the down position and the window is not hilly down, the window shall begin to move down (3) When the window button is released or the window reaches the fully up or fully down position, the window shall stop moving (4) Requirements (1-3) apply when the ignition is on. However, turning the ignition off shall lake effect only after the window has stopped moving.
Which state machine diagram fragment describes the required behavior?

정답: E
Choose the correct answer.
Which diagram type is commonly used to create a bill of materials?

정답: F
Choose the correct answer.
What is a property that may be calculated by analysis of the model?

정답: B
Choose the correct answer.
Given the following diagram:

How does state machine Example behave after receipt of event M1 with x equal to zero?

정답: A
Choose the correct answer.
Given the following bdd fragment and table showing messages sent between blocks:

Block C Is encapsulated; none of the other blocks are.
Which Ibd for block A has the correct assignment of flow ports and connectors? If two or more options are correct, select the one with the fewest ports.

정답: A
Choose the correct answer.
What is the best way to specify the behavior of a functional requirement?

정답: D
Choose the correct answer
A sequence diagram depicts the beginning of a user's session with a piece of interactive software . The diagram must show that the -Software Session is created by some activity of the .User.
Which sequence diagram fragment expresses this?

정답: A
Choose the correct answer.
Given the following state machine fragment.

if it starts in F-State and then the event evB is received, what is the subsequent state?

정답: C
Choose the correct answer.
How should a generalization set between Shape (superclass) and subclasses Polygon. Rectangle and Triangle be marked?

정답: C

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